Events and announcement details can be found on our Facebook page and monthly Church Chat.
5 - 10:30 Worship and lunch
12 - 10:30 Worship and Installation of New Officers
19 - 10:30 Worship
Please Note: Guest Speaker for Conversations
26 - 10:30 Worship
26 - Congregational Annual Meeting - to receive reports of the past year’s activities and for transaction of any business.
2 -10:30 Worship and lunch
9 - 10:30 W0rship
16 - 10:30 Worship
23 - 10:30 Worship
2 - 10:30 Worship and lunch
9 - 10:30 Worship
16 - 10:30 Worship
23 -10:30 Worship
30 - 10:30 Worship