
Events and announcement details can be found on our Facebook page and monthly Church Chat.


  • 23 - 10:30 Worship followed by Conversations that Challenge Christians


  • 2 - 10:30 Worship and lunch hosted by the Tech Team

  • 4 - 1:00 Fine Time For Lunch - Smoky Bones

    5 - 6:00 simple soup supper followed by Ash Wednesday service at 7:00

  • 9 - 10:30 Worship

  • 14 - 9:00 Men’s Bible Study breakfast

  • 16 - 10:30 Worship followed by Curious Conversations (church & membership)

  • 30 - 10:30 Worship followed by Conversations that Challenge Christians


  • 6 - 10:30 Worship and lunch hosted by PW

  • 12 - 9:00 Men’s Bible Study breakfast

  • 13 - 10:30 Palm Sunday

  • 20 - Sunrise Easter Service followed by breakfast

  • 20 - 10:30 Worship Service - Easter Sunday

  • 27 - 10:30 Worship Service